
Quick update

Last night I went to dinner and a show. Today I walked about a mile. Came really close to falling over twice - once when I caught my left toe and once when a strong wind came up. No crutches or walker. My hamstrings continue to feel better and better, though they look like I was hit by a car. Tons of bruising, especially on the left side. They also have some freaky streaks that look like I was attacked by a lion - no idea where those came from. At this point it looks like I'm settling in for a few weeks of slow change before I find out if there's neurological work to be done. I start PT Tuesday so we'll see if they can coax some motor control out of this useless ankle. At this point it just feels like I have a prosthetic leg on the left side. It doesn't wipe me out as much to be up working and getting around though, which is great. Earlier this week I was on a work/rest ratio of like 1:1. Last night I was out for six hours and didn't feel too beat, so

After a weekend

I'm much more mobile now. I can walk down stairs with a handrail or crutches. I can walk quite a ways without crutches, but tend to use them for rest if walking far. I don't have much pain unless I screw something up. Hamstrings are tight. Biggest is that my foot, ankle and distal calf on my left leg are basically entirely numb with no motor control. It kinda feels like this is what I'm going to get until I get to visit with my neurologist on 7/5. He says that he can get a much better read on the nerve condition if they get a few weeks to normalize. Sounds like this is my new normal, but we'll just see. Thanks for all of your concern. It is what it is and we'll figure it out. My daughter safely gave birth to our first grandbaby yesterday - a darling little girl - so I'm using that as a reminder of all that is good.
  Fall down nine times, get up ten.   With so many kind friends wanting to know what happened to me this week, I thought I would write down what I know so far and post updates on my progress so no one feels out of the loop. Pardon any typos as I’m typing this on my iPad with various drugs pumping through me. As some background, it is worth knowing I had a nasty bulged L5-S1 disk that resulted in a successful discectomy in 2018.   Nerve damage that low in your spine manifests itself as pain in your legs. My back never hurt, but the nerve pain shooting down my left side had me near suicide. I lost 25 pounds in two weeks and was in constant, excruciating pain. Dr. Maughan went in through my back, drilled through a bit of my spine and snipped the offending disk. I walked out of the hospital with zero pain and felt like a new person. I've had no issues since. It is also worth noting I work out most days- usually running, rowing and lifting. And again, I’ve had zero issues. On We